Friday, February 27, 2009

Inspired Again

I had walked away from this for awhile, but now I am back. Some updates:
We are still trying to conceive. This is now our 4th cycle of actively trying. I have the obvious concerns and doubts, but I think that we will be fine. I also feel that if we not not get pregnant under our own steam, we will not go further. I can do whatever I can to keep myself healthy (6 weeks with no coffee... :-) ) but ultimately we are not willing to go to crazy extremes to have our children. I do believe that things happen the way the are supposed to happen.
We have not told our friends that we are trying, I do not want to deal with people asking me on a regular basis how our sex life is. I am, however, very transparent with both my sister and my mom. It does mean though that I have offered slight untruths to people when they have asked why we don't have children and whether or not we have plans to reproduce. I hope that I will be forgiven.

One very interesting thing.. before we started trying to conceive, I was always able to feel when I was ovulating, but since we 'took the condom off', I haven't been feeling the slight cramp that always signals ovulation. Is it a case of 'the watched pot never boils'? Yesterday, though, I felt very slight 'pinches' on my lower right side. So we did the baby dance and we shall see.

My sister and her babies left in the middle of January and we miss them desperately. She is now living with my aunt and planning a move to her own place. She needs to find a home and be settled so that the kids actually know where they live. She will be getting a place to rent for September. I am happy for them but sad for us. We shall miss them awfully. We are missing the changes and different stages that the girls are going through. Miss V has now figured out the concept of 'yesterday' and 'tomorrow'. How sweet. They are going to be coming for a 2 week visit in the beginning of May, it doesn't seem like enough, but we will take what we can. Then I think that they will be back in July and will travel home with me when I go to Canada this summer. Can we say 'Road Trip'? Excited.